Why are children under 15 among the most affected populations?
This population is unvaccinated, therefore unprotected, and they live in communities.
Are pediatric emergencies impacted by the epidemic?
The influx was quite significant during the holiday season. Nearly 80% of patients, all ages combined, consulted for this reason. Currently we are seeing a return to normal, with classic activity for the period; Unlike adult services, pediatric emergencies are not overrun. Many infants, on the other hand, are hospitalized for flu but fortunately there are no serious forms.
What is emerging in the coming days or weeks?
The peak will not be reached for two to three weeks, so we must remain vigilant. It is very important that young patients, children or adolescents with chronic illnesses (severe asthma, epilepsy, etc.) are vaccinated. If they are not, there is still time to do so these days.
A reminder of the signs of flu in children?
The characteristic symptoms are: cough, watery eyes, runny nose, great fatigue, associated in older adults with muscle pain and aches, and above all a fever resistant to paracetamol, called V, with peaks at 40°C followed by a drop in temperature then a rise.
What should you do?
If influenza is suspected, consult a doctor. One medication, Tamiflu, can be effective, but only if it is taken within the first 48 hours of the febrile episode.
What are the serious signs that should alert you?
In children, the flu can take the form of gastroenteritis, with digestive problems and significant vomiting. There may also be difficulty breathing and chest pain. In these cases, you must consult without delay.
Are infants particularly vulnerable?
Generally speaking, any fever in a baby under 3 months requires a medical consultation. You should also be concerned if the infant is no longer able to feed himself or significantly reduces his bottle intake (less than 50%).
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