DayFR Euro

The flu, the poisoned gift of these end-of-year holidays: in the epidemic phase, is turning red

In the latest Public Health bulletin published on acute respiratory infections, the entire country turns red with regard to the flu, a real spoilsport at the end of the year.

It’s a real poisoned chalice. : the flu has invited herself into many homes and takes on the costume of spoilsport at this end of year 2024 period.

All of France in the red

In the Public Health France bulletin dated December 26, the whole country turns red. In other words, all regions of France are placed in epidemic phasewhich represents the maximum level after orange (pre-epidemic) and green (no alert).

“Strong increase”

SPF summarizes the situation by speaking of a “sharp increase in all flu indicators in town and in hospital, in all age groups”. And adds: “Children under 15 ans were the most affected in town and in hospital, but a marked increase in visits to emergency rooms and hospitalizations in people aged 65 and more was observed.”

The bulletin also recalls that vaccination against influenza has already started, with a campaign launched on October 15, 2024“coupled with the COVID-19 vaccination campaign”. Finally, he mentions barrier gestures, “essential to protect yourself of all winter illnesses”: wash your hands, ventilate the rooms regularly and wear a mask in case of symptoms.

What about bronchiolitis and covid?

Santé Publique France also mentions, in its bulletin, bronchiolitis and covid. Concerning the first infection, if a “decrease in the majority of indicators” is reported, the entire country is still kept in red. Regarding the second, “an activity generally stable at low levels” is noted.



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