En almost five years of long Covid, Solenn Tanguy saw her income plummet, from around 1,800 to 900 euros per month. Immobilized by illness since 2020, the temporary teacher had to give up her classes. For a time, she was only able to maintain a handful of distance training courses, then corrections, supplemented by meager unemployment rights, which have now dried up. In Dinan, in Côtes-d’Armor, the forty-year-old has only just obtained payment of the allowance for disabled adults (AAH). “My first request, in 2023, was refusedretrace-t-elle. I appealed, adding the scientific literature on long Covid. I ended up getting it, and fortunately: I had 5,000 euros left aside and I had started to tap into it to live… Long Covid is destroying careers. »
Too weakened or dependent on a physical condition that fluctuates without warning, many patients are forced to stop working or drastically reduce it. The fight against the disease is then coupled with a war against the administration, which, for lack of coordinated policies, struggles as much to take their illnesses seriously as the medical profession (read episode 1, “Long Covid, the fight without END “). In Montpellier, Doctor Jérôme Larché, who holds a specialized consultation on long Covid, estimates that half of his patients are experiencing financial difficulties linked to the disease. The problems start as soon as work stoppages occur. Contaminated at the end of 2021,
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