DayFR Euro

Cahors. Undernutrition: a reality not to be taken lightly

National malnutrition week is an essential vector in the fight against this pathology which affects 2 million French people.

At the Cahors hospital, the emphasis was placed on diagnosis. “Too many people suffering from malnutrition are not aware of it. We again saw, during our information day, malnourished people who did not know it,” explains Suzanne Pingret, dietician at the CH. A loss of 3 kg without a rational explanation (diet, intensive sport) should raise alarm. “With age, dietary needs change but it is essential to eat starchy foods, fats and proteins. Many people are convinced that by eating soup, salad and fruit, they are eating correctly However, this only provides water and in the long run leads to a protein deficit which results in muscle loss,” explains Suzanne Pingret.

The phenomena of undernutrition should not be taken lightly because they can lead to significant problems (infections, risk of falls, alteration of physiological functions, etc.) or even death when the loss of protein mass exceeds 50%.



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