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“Collective fight against the tiger mosquito is essential”: residents of Occitanie called to testify

the essential
Citizens of the Occitanie region are invited to respond to a survey conducted by the Center for Research in Social Sciences Sport and Body (CreSco) at Paul Sabatier University to provide their testimony on this pest that is ruining everyday life. Mélissa Mannucci, a doctoral student in sociology, is leading the study. Interview.

For several years now, the tiger mosquito has been “ruining” our summer evenings and banning us from our gardens. Are we going to have to get used to it?

The tiger mosquito is indeed a growing problem in many regions of the world, particularly in Occitania. This mosquito has spread mainly due to human activities such as international transportation of goods, human travel, and rapid adaptation to new climates. Occitanie, like many other regions, will probably have to adapt to the persistent presence of the tiger mosquito. This will require an integrated approach combining prevention, control and public education. Citizens, local authorities and specialists will all need to act to manage this threat effectively and sustainably.

You are launching a study on the feelings of the inhabitants of Occitanie with a questionnaire… What is your ambition?

This sociological study adopts a mixed approach. First, more than thirty interviews were conducted with citizens from seven departments in the Occitanie region, which allowed us to obtain initial results concerning knowledge and practices for combating the tiger mosquito. These results will then be verified and tested using the questionnaire. The objective of this study is to analyze the public problem represented by the tiger mosquito through the citizen’s front door, in order to report to politicians and experts on the reality experienced and perceived by citizens. We realized that there is real public citizen action that fights in a parallel or complementary way against the tiger mosquito. This aims to improve prevention policies against this pest and to inform citizens of existing projects to combat it.

“Sterilization of male mosquitoes could potentially reduce tiger populations”

The scourge of the tiger mosquito is only taken into account from the health aspect and diseases (Chikungunya, dengue fever, etc.) by the ARS for ultimately marginal contaminations, should we not better understand it from the angle of nuisances daily?

This is normal because the Regional Health Agency is responsible for implementing surveillance and combating the disease-carrying tiger mosquito. Vector control measures are triggered as soon as a patient is reported (epidemiological, entomological investigation, community information for populations, biocidal treatment, etc.). This over-anticipation has made it possible to avoid any epidemic in France until now. Addressing the problem of the tiger mosquito from the angle of daily nuisance is also done through prevention campaigns advising the elimination of stagnant water.

Ultimately, can we imagine a prophylactic treatment that eliminates tiger mosquitoes before the season?

This topic is not sociology, but there is an innovative experimental project involving the sterilization of male tiger mosquitoes. This project could potentially reduce the tiger mosquito population and, therefore, reduce the risk of disease transmission. However, this is not my area of ​​expertise so I cannot comment on this.

What are the best solutions today to avoid bites and return to your garden without being attacked by mosquitoes?

Today, collective struggle is essential to control and reduce the population of tiger mosquitoes. Eliminating stagnant water is the most important measure in this fight. In addition, other practices can be adopted, such as regular maintenance of the garden and the use of CO2 tiger mosquito traps, although the latter is expensive.

A field investigation

The University of Toulouse-Rangueil is working on a survey concerning the perception of citizens of the Occitanie region in relation to the risks and nuisances linked to the tiger mosquito. This scientific study aims to improve the management and prevention of this disease vector in collaboration with Santé Publique France, ARS Occitanie and the RIVOC key challenge. In order to better understand the knowledge, practices and adaptation strategies of the citizens of Occitanie in the face of this pest, an online questionnaire makes it possible to collect valuable data to guide prevention and awareness actions.

Questionnaire link:

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