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Vitamins in food supplements do not keep their promises according to this American study

HEALTH – A daily habit less useful than we think. Taking vitamin supplements every day would have no effect on increasing longevity and preventing diseases, according to an American study published this Wednesday, June 26 in Jama Network.

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Food supplements, “cconcentrates of nutrients, plants or other substances » are experiencing growing popularity in France, according to the National Health Security Agency (ANSES). However, these little bombs of vitamins in multiple forms have no effect on “ improving health and preventing disease “, main motivations cited in the study.

In a study of a cohort of nearly 400,000 American adults, generally in good health », Researchers at the National Cancer Institute of Maryland followed these patients for more than twenty years. After analyzing the data for two years, the researchers concluded that daily consumption of dietary supplements “ was not associated with a mortality benefit ».

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And to add that compared to non-use, this habit ” was associated with a 4% higher mortality risk ” One final observation should, however, be taken with caution. The researchers themselves admit the limitations of their study due to the ” sick user effect » (sick user effect), a phenomenon referring to the tendency of people already diagnosed with illness to increase their consumption of dietary supplements. This could thus distort the researchers’ conclusions on the increased risk of mortality, despite normally healthy cohorts in the study.

In an article published alongside the study, Dr Neal Barnard does not deny the effectiveness of food supplements in certain cases, particularly in the elderly. Among the benefits cited, “ Vitamin supplementation in dietary supplements is associated with improved memory and slowed cognitive decline ” among the elderly, he recalls.

He also returns to ” the essential role of micronutrients ” for several centuries. ” Sailors were cured of scurvy thanks to lime juice, which was found to be a source of vitamin C (…) While these essential nutrients were found in foods, dietary supplements soon began to be offered “, he explains.

For Dr Neal Barnard, assistant professor of medicine at George Washington University, quoted by The Guardian« Dietary supplements overpromise and underdeliver “. And to add, “ Food supplements are of no use. The science is not there. Instead of taking food supplements, we should eat healthy foods (…) ».

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