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Heavy legs: a dietician’s unbeatable advice for combating water retention in extreme heat

While we have welcomed the return of the sun and the heat with happiness, our bodies are not necessarily jumping for joy. The high temperatures, which are close to or even exceed 30 degrees in certain regions of France, are indeed damaging to our bodies. In addition to the risk that UV rays pose to our skin, and which require protection with a good sunscreen even in the city, the summer heat can also cause or even worsen water retention. This accumulation of water in certain parts of the body, particularly the lower body, can be particularly painful.

Water retention is the cause of the feeling of heavy legs, swollen ankles and swollen feet. It is also the cause of watery cellulite. To deflate our legs and fight against water retention, nutritionist-dietician Jessica Peyrou reveals six simple and easy-to-apply tips on her Instagram account.

Six simple and easy tips to combat water retention

  • Reduce your salt intake

According to Jessica Peyrou, to combat water retention, it is essential to “limit foods high in sodium, such as prepared meals, overly salty appetizers and sauces”. The best is to “favor fresh and unprocessed foods”.

  • Increase your potassium intake

To eliminate this excess water, it is also necessary “consume foods rich in potassium, such as bananas, potatoes, spinach, avocados and tomatoes” according to the nutritionist. “Potassium helps balance water levels in the body”she explains.

  • Avoid foods high in added sugars

At the opposite, “Excessive sugar consumption can lead to water retention”. The best is therefore to “mimic sugary drinks, desserts and sugary snacks”.

  • Increase your consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables

Jessica Peyrou then advises adding fresh fruits and vegetables to your plate: “They contain nutrients and antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation and promote elimination”.

  • Consume foods rich in protein

To eliminate water retention, having a good protein intake is also crucial. “They help maintain fluid balance in the body,” points out the dietitian. And to specify: “Choose lean protein sources like chicken, fish, legumes and tofu”.

The mistake when we retain water is often to hydrate less, whereas drinking a lot is one of the keys to fighting water retention. “It may seem counterintuitive, but staying well hydrated helps eliminate toxins and prevent water retention caused by dehydration (compensatory water retention)”reveals the nutritionist.

Keys to boosting the elimination of excess water in the body

Apart from nutrition, other actions can promote the elimination of this excess water in the body during hot weather. Jessica Peyrou therefore advises:

  • Move, walk, play sports to stimulate circulation and promote sweating.
  • Do lymphatic drainage sessions with a physiotherapist.
  • Get enough sleep to promote a good metabolism.

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