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Summer tour Happy summer Good reflexes 2024 with the ARS

Five health themes will be animated all summer, on the ground, in the 13 departments of the region. A traveling device goes to meet the inhabitants of Occitanie and tourists to remind them of good health reflexes throughout the summer.

To fully enjoy summer without taking risks for yourself or those around you, it is essential to adopt good health habits.

Whether facing the sun, the tiger mosquito or to appreciate the quality of bathing water, simple common sense actions are enough to limit the risks.

The 2024 tour takes place in June, July and August across all 13 departments of Occitanie.

five workshops on Tuesday July 23 at the Mercus nautical center

Know the effects of the sun and recognize health risk situations.

  • Know how to effectively protect your skin and eyes.
  • Know why and how to get tested for melanoma.

Skin cancer is appearing at an increasingly early age and its incidence is increasing. Malignant melanoma, its most dangerous form, is now the leading cause of cancer death among 20-40 year-olds. Based on this observation, the aim will be to inform participants about the harmful effects and risks of the sun and to promote the use of sun protection methods.

“Tiger mosquitoes and ticks” workshop

  • Know and implement preventive actions to avoid the proliferation of the tiger mosquito.
  • Know how to carry out surveillance, reporting and protection actions in the event of a proven presence.
  • Raise awareness of the right actions to prevent tick bites.
  • Know the actions to take and the follow-up to take in the event of bites.
  • Spread information about tick-borne diseases

Tiger mosquitoes and ticks can be vectors of certain diseases such as dengue fever or Lyme disease. Through this workshop, the aim will be to identify possible living spaces, to limit the risks of propagation for the tiger mosquito and to propose instructions to protect against the bites of these insects.

“Bathing” workshop

  • Know venomous animals and first aid procedures at sea and in fresh water.
  • Master the instructions for safe swimming in sea and fresh water.

With 230 km of coastline and a multitude of areas suitable for swimming, the Occitanie region is one of the most attractive French regions for enjoying the pleasures of water activities. The different stands will allow participants to identify swimming areas without risk to their health and the rules to follow to enjoy them in complete safety.

“Hidden sugar” workshop

  • Know the recommendations regarding sugar consumption.
  • Spot the sugars hidden in the little pleasures of summer.
  • Identify the amounts of sugar in drinks.

The workshop will provide information on current recommendations in terms of sugar, identify the quantities of sugar hidden or not in our everyday foods and give tips for reducing our consumption.

“Get moving, it’s good for my health” workshop

  • Know the recommendations for a more balanced lifestyle.
  • Know the rules of hygiene regarding nutrition and physical exercise.

Tuesday July 23
Nautical base, 1 route d’Amplaing – Mercus Garrabet, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

To find out the dates and locations of the workshops in Occitanie, click ICI


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