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Doctors reveal unexpected first sign of colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer is among the list of the most common cancers along with lung and breast cancer. Presence of blood in the stools, unexplained weight loss, abdominal pain, severe fatigue, etc. There are several signs that you may have colorectal cancer.. But the problem is that these different symptoms are not specific to colorectal cancer and can therefore be indicative of another disease. That is why, If symptoms persist over time, you should consult your doctor. This health professional will be able to suggest that you carry out a colorectal cancer screening test if necessary.

This unexpected sign may indicate colorectal cancer

It is often in the stool that we spot the first signs of colorectal cancer.. The presence of blood, for example, should be a cause for concern and prompt you to consult a health professional. Dr. Michael Cecchini, an oncologist interviewed by the American HuffPost, explained that thin stools may be a sign of colorectal cancer. « This tends to happen if tumors are present near the end of the colon or if they coat the entire inside of the colon, narrowing the stool that passes through “, did he declare. In fact, any change in the appearance of your stools should attract your attention. In addition to the change in shape or consistency of your stool, the frequency with which you need to go to the bathroom should also be monitored, explained gastroenterologist Dr. Jeffrey Dueker.

Colorectal cancer: what are the most common signs?

Having thin stools, however, would be a rare sign of colorectal cancer, not to be taken lightly. When it exists, it is very worrying “, said Dr. Cecchini. “ It’s just not one of the most common symptoms of the disease. » Sudden and unintentional weight loss, blood in the stoolsand persistent abdominal pain are the most common symptoms of colorectal cancer.

Colorectal cancer: the importance of screening if suspected

In France, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death (2 th in humans and 3 th in women). This is why it is essential to raise the subject with your doctor, particularly in the event of symptoms suggestive of the disease or a family history. The best thing is to be able to get tested as early as possible, as part of the screening campaigns put in place. The colorectal cancer screening program in France is aimed at people aged 50 to 74 who have neither symptoms nor a personal or family history of polyp, cancer or disease affecting the colon or rectum, nor specific risk factors. .


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