DayFR Euro

AG of the hare hunting interest group

During the General Assembly (GA) of the Gic (Hunting Interest Group) President Émile Fabre thanked the hunting society for its welcome and the representatives of the four municipalities members of the Gic and presented the agenda.

FDCL technician Christophe Rieutort presented the results of hare monitoring by territory, with their IKA (kilometric abundance index) and a comparison since 2000, the date of creation of the Gic. This count shows: Fontans, 27 hares, IKA 0.90; Rimeize, 47, IKA 1.15; Serverette, 26, IKA 0.96 and Saint-Alban, 51, IKA 1.59. Total 2024: 151 hares seen for an IKA of 1.16.

The technician mentioned the observation of the lens harvest which shows that the proportion of young hares is low at 40% both at the national and local level. Concerning the Sagir (sanitary) network in 2023, in Saint-Paul-le-Froid (outside the sector), there was a case of suspected RHDV2. The 2024 hare hunting season will run from October 6 to November 24, permitted only on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. The participants presented the results of each company and mentioned the usefulness, for them, of the Gic for the protection of the hare. For Émile Fabre, “this Gic works very well, the results are satisfactory with an IKA which has never been so high”. Christophe Rieutort concludes: “The efforts pay off after two decades of work, but that doesn’t mean we should rest on our laurels.”

Midi Libre correspondent: 04 66 31 52 13


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