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The French do not do enough sport according to Public Health France

Are you doing enough sport? Santé Publique France recommends between 2h50 and 5h of moderate-intensity physical activity each week, or at least 1h30 of absolute intensity activity.

According to the results of the study revealed by the organization, 73% of men and 60% of women aged 18 to 25 reached this recommendation in 2021, in mainland France. It’s good, but not enough according to Public Health France.

Muscle strengthening is also recommended at least twice a week. A second objective achieved by less than a third of men in France (31.1%) and less than a quarter of women (20.2%), according to the study.

On the sedentary side, more than one in five adults said to pass more than 7 hours per day sitting, note the researchers. A good point though: more than nine out of ten adults have said get up at least every 2 hours in case of prolonged sitting.

Bretons good students

Global photography hides socio-demographic disparities. In both men and women, age thus affects levels of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle. A level of diploma below the baccalaureate is also associated, for both, with a least damage recommendations. For men, professional situation plays a role, with for example less physical activity in case of unemployment; for women, it is life as a couple with children which reduces the probability of achieving the recommendations.

THE regional disparities are also strong. For physical activity, Brittany and Occitania are distinguished by a frequency significantly higher at the national levelÎle-de-France and the north-east of France are much lower.


Overall, 8.6% of men and 9.9% of women had insufficient physical activity and a high sedentary lifestyle. “It is therefore imperative to reverse the trend“, urge the authors of the study.

To favor active lifestyles in urban areas, make the environment attractive and dynamic especially for young people, create alternatives to prolonged sedentary work are all ways to combat the lack of physical activity and increasing sedentary lifestyle“, they say.

And if the promotion of physical and sporting activity like “great national cause” in 2024year of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, should “help drive numerous initiatives“, the study authors warn that “the whole challenge will be to include all the territories and the population, and to keep this momentum going over time“.


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