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By limiting certain foods, you could reduce the risk of eczema

Eczema is an inflammation of the skin (dermatitis) that causes itching and the appearance of skin lesions, in the form of Red plaques, sometimes vesicular. It’s a skin disease very frequented which can occur at any age. The main forms of eczema areatopic eczema (linked to a genetic predisposition), and eczema allergic of contact. In France, 850,000 children aged 6 to 11 and 700,000 adolescents aged 12 to 17 suffer from atopic eczema. Concerning adults, there are 2 millions.

Dozens of different causes

Eczema affects approximately 3.6% of French people. It is one of the most common skin diseases. Although it is not dangerous for health if treated, it can impact the morale of those affected. Furthermore, identifying the causes can be difficult, because there are dozens of reasons creating these skin reactions. Among the main reasons, the stress dominated. It causes a reaction from the nervous system, thus promoting the appearance of itching. For the most mentioned reasons, we find: heattemperature change, allergies, perfumesthere cosmeticthere sweatstress or even food. Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, were particularly interested in the impact that a diet rich in salt (sodium) could have on the appearance of (…)

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