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memory aids for old age

VSThis is the story of Paulette*, who smokes cigarette after cigarette, because she never remembers the previous one. Peter’s*, who becomes aggressive because of a headache that he cannot verbalize. It’s also Louise’s*, terrified every day facing this “stranger” – a caregiver – who helps her wash. Her vulnerability would almost make her violent. All these stories come from the survey carried out by the Fondation Partage et Vie within its nursing homes. The objective: to understand memory disorders and the situations faced by caregivers.

As disturbing as they are, these stories concern us all. They often harm us, because they refer to this terrible situation of ultimate vulnerability that is old age without memories or reference points. The one where your own parents perhaps no longer recognize you, erasing with them entire sections of their identity, their lives and yours. How can we manage these situations and best support people suffering from memory disorders? The Partage et Vie Foundation has chosen to tackle this crucial subject for the 5e edition of its Estivales, June 19 in Paris, in partnership with Point. The objective: to understand, provide solutions and change the way we look at these disorders.

READ ALSO Alzheimer’s: how to react to the memory loss of a loved one? The first thing to know is that we have a dozen different memory systems […] Read more


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