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Don’t eat this meat anymore, it’s the worst for your health

If you are a big meat consumer, beware. Some are less good than others for your body.

Nutritionists will say it, meat is good for health, but in small doses. Moreover, one of them, consumed by the majority, is bad in the long term.

Red meat on the body

Red meat, which includes beef, lamb, pork and of certain poultry, is a food appreciated for its nutritional richness. But also and above all, its numerous health benefits.

Indeed, red meat is an excellent Source of complete proteins. It thus contains all amino acids essentials necessary for the proper functioning of our body.

Proteins are crucial for building and maintaining repair of fabrics, the production of enzymes and hormones. As well as maintaining good muscular health.

If you consume enough of it, you will see results on your physique. Meat is essential for growing children, athletes and the elderly.

Red meat is an abundant Source of essential vitamins and minerals. It therefore contains high levels of heme iron, which is better absorbed by the body than non-heme iron present in plant sources.

Iron said to be vital for production red blood cells and the transport of oxygen in the blood. Red meat is also rich in zinc, which plays a crucial role in the immune system, wound healing and DNA synthesis.

Benefits that no longer need to be proven

In addition, red meat provides B vitamins, especially vitamin B12. It is essential for the formation of red blood cells, the functioning of the nervous system and DNA production.

Vitamins B6 and niacin (B3) found in red meat also contribute to energy metabolism. And also and above all, to maintain health skin.

Unlike white meat, red meat contains creatine. The latter is intended to be particularly beneficial for athletes and the people involved in intense physical activities.

It thus improves muscular performance and endurance. Additionally, carnosine, also found in red meat, acts as a powerful antioxidant and helps prevent cellular damage.

But then, eating meat regularly, is it good for your health? Recently, a type of meat was singled out by experts.

The latter believe that its excessive consumption is harmful to health. This time, it’s not just about red meat. Another type of meat, even more commonly consumed, is now said to be identified as a significant cause in the development of certain cancers.

Meat that promotes the appearance of diseases?

This meat, widely consumed throughout the world, is available in various forms. It can be found in sausages, ham, salami, bolognese or nuggets.

She wants to be considered omnipresent in the Western diet. And particularly in fast foods and American food.

However, Americans are not the only ones risking their health by consuming it. In France, 94% of the population consumes it at least once a week under form of charcuterie.

And at least one in two young people (18-24 years old) eat it in processed dishes at home or in the canteen. Doctors are increasingly warning of the health risks associated with even moderate consumption of this meat.

That which is processed, if consumed in too large quantities, could therefore be dangerous. According to nutritionists, it is the most harmful to health, even surpassing red meat in terms of risk when consumed too much.


Hi, I’m Ruben, the new web editor at Freshly graduated from a journalism school in Paris, I am passionate about media news, television shows and sociology. I am enthusiastic about sharing with you my articles and my analysis of the news on Tuxboard.


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