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Dietary rebalancing or diet: what approach for lasting weight loss? –

When it comes to losing weight, diets have long dominated the landscape, but dietary rebalancing now appears to be a promising alternative. But between these two approaches, which is the most effective for achieving your fitness and health goals?

Are diets effective?

The proliferation of diets over the past decades has been phenomenal, but despite this, the number of overweight people continues to increase. While some diets have been touted as miracle solutions, many have proven to be dangerous for health. Faced with this reality, dietary rebalancing stands out as a healthier and more sustainable alternative.

Focus on the Mediterranean diet: a model for health

Among the different dietary approaches, diet Mediterranean is distinguished by its orientation towards health rather than weight loss. Based on the principles of a traditional Mediterranean diet rich in fruits, vegetables and healthy oils, this diet promotes longevity and prevention of chronic diseases. Rather than focusing solely on calorie restriction, it emphasizes the quality of foods consumed.

Dietary rebalancing: a progressive and caring approach

Contrary to diets strict, dietary rebalancing is not based on bans, but on a progressive approach aimed at lastingly changing eating habits. In collaboration with nutrition professionals, this method encourages balanced food choices, attentive listening to hunger and satiety signals, and regular physical activity. It therefore offers a more realistic and sustainable solution for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

While the diets often promise rapid but ephemeral results, dietary rebalancing leads to a paradigm shift. Rather than focusing exclusively on short-term weight loss, it favors a healthier and more conscientious relationship with food. Ultimately, choosing between dietary rebalancing and diets means opting for a long-term approach focused on overall health and well-being.


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