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the foods to favor to fill it

Magnesium is an essential mineral for our body. It plays a crucial role in many vital functions. It participates in particular in energy production, muscle contraction, regulation of the nervous system and bone health.

Unfortunately, our modern diet can often be deficient in it, leading to a wide range of symptoms and health problems.

What are the symptoms of magnesium deficiency?

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency may be subtle and easily attributed to other causes. Among the most common signs, we find:

1 – Chronic fatigue and lack of energy

Magnesium is essential for the production of ATP, the main Source of energy for cells. A deficiency can therefore result in persistent fatigue and a feeling of lack of energy.

2 – Muscle weakness and cramps

Magnesium plays an important role in muscle contraction and relaxation. A deficiency can lead to muscle weakness, cramps, tremors and fasciculations (involuntary muscle contractions).

3 – Muscle spasms

Magnesium deficiency can also increase the frequency and intensity of muscle spasms, particularly in the back and legs.

4 – Anxiety and irritability

Magnesium helps regulate the activity of the central nervous system. If you lack them, don’t be surprised to sometimes show anxiety, irritability and nervousness.

5 – Insomnia

Magnesium plays a role in the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. A deficiency can therefore disrupt sleep and cause difficulty falling or staying asleep.

6 – High blood pressure

Magnesium helps dilate blood vessels and regulate blood pressure. A deficiency can therefore increase the risk of hypertension.

7 – Irregular heartbeat

Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of the heart. A deficiency can therefore disrupt the heart rhythm and increase the risk of arrhythmia.

8 – Predisposition to migraines

Magnesium can help prevent migraines. A deficiency can therefore increase the frequency and intensity of attacks.

SEE ALSO: What are the different types of magnesium?

What foods should you choose to fill a magnesium deficiency?

To increase your magnesium intake and combat a possible deficiency, it is important to favor the following foods:

1 – Dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa)

A square of dark chocolate provides around 60 mg of magnesium, or 15% of the recommended daily intake.

2 – Almonds

A handful of almonds (around 30g) contains around 80mg of magnesium, making them an excellent Source of this element.

3 – Chia seeds

These small, nutrient-rich seeds provide about 17mg of magnesium per tablespoon (about 15g). They can be easily added to smoothies, yogurts or salads.

4 – Spinach

This leafy green vegetable is an excellent Source of magnesium, with around 80 mg per cooked cup.

5 – Bananas

A medium banana provides around 39 mg of magnesium, or around 10% of the recommended daily intake.

6 – Lawyer

An avocado contains around 30 mg of magnesium, in addition to being rich in fiber and potassium.

7 – Sweet potatoes

A medium-sized sweet potato provides about 26 mg of magnesium.

8 – Quinoa

This protein-rich whole grain cereal provides around 8 mg of magnesium per cooked serving.

9 – Legumes

Lentils, black beans, chickpeas… legumes are all excellent sources of magnesium, with around 120 mg per cooked cup.

10 – Pumpkin seeds

These small, nutrient-rich seeds provide about 37 mg of magnesium per tablespoon (about 15g). They can be added to salads, mueslis or snacks.

As you will have understood, a magnesium deficiency can have harmful consequences on health. But by choosing a diet rich in magnesium and adopting healthy lifestyle habits, you can prevent or correct a deficiency and benefit from the many benefits of this essential mineral.

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