DayFR Euro

revolution or new option?

Uromune sublingual spray could protect certain women from recurrence of bacterial cystitis, new results suggest. If it is not necessarily revolutionary, this new option would be useful, argue two urologists, deploring its absence from the French market despite its availability in many other European countries.

Frequent and urgent urge to urinate, burning sensation, blood or pus in the urine, urinary infections are a Source of suffering for 50% of women at least once in their life. If treatments exist, for the 20 to 30% of them who suffer from it repeatedly despite existing options, preventive treatment is being studied.

The Uromune “vaccine”, which is taken in the form of a spray under the tongue, presented promising initial long-term results at the 2024 congresses of the European and American Societies of Urology (EAU and AUA).It’s not a revolutionary treatment, but we need more treatment options“, analyzes Professor Franck Bruyère, urological surgeon at Tours University Hospital. However, like other older vaccines based on the same principle, Uromune is not close to being available in France, although it is or in 26 other European countries.

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Behind an apparent urinary infection can hide other illnesses

Acute bacterial cystitis that occurs more than three times in the same year or more than twice in six months is called “recurrent” and a consultation and treatment are then required. “Antibiotic therapy and vaccination are overall the two treatments that have shown significant effectiveness in reducing the number of recurrences of recurrent acute bacterial cystitis.“, summarizes Dr Maxime Vallée, urologist at Poitiers University Hospital, specialist in urinary infections and head of the Infectiology Committee of the French Urology Association. Other measures can also help, such as cranberries, D-Mannose or simply drinking lots of water, quotes Franck Bruyère.

But before getting to the treatments, the doctor verifies that the diagnosis is correct. “More than one in two patients who come to consult me ​​for recurrent cystitis suffer from something else!“, reveals the urologist, putting[…]


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