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Covid-19 is back in Maine-et-, a vaccination campaign starts on Tuesday

“We had Covid-19 all summer, but it’s really been since the beginning of September that it’s gotten worse. » Vincent Dubée, head of the infectious and tropical diseases department at the University Hospital (CHU), can only note this strong return of the virus. “For several weeks, we have had a positivity rate of PCR tests which has increased at the University Hospital”, he confirms.

And Maine-et- is only the reflection of . 1,597 positive tests were declared in French territory between September 30 and October 6, 2024, compared to less than 500 at the end of May and the beginning of June.

Read also: Vaccines against flu and Covid-19 in pharmacies and nursing offices in Mayenne

Several reasons

Vincent Dubée analyzes three factors of this increase. “First the impact of the cold. Now, we are outside less than in summer, so we frequent more closed premises and the virus is circulating more. The last reason is the start of the school year with children who have fewer antibodies and who gather in a class and transmit the virus to each other, then to parents and grandparents. »

Unlike the period of strong pandemic (2020-2021) this increase in Covid-19 cases “has no impact on the hospital, assures Vincent Dubée. There is no longer any hospitalization just for Covid-19, except for fragile people who experience a deterioration in their autonomy because of the virus. »

Vaccination campaign

To counter Covid-19, a vaccination campaign is launched this Tuesday, October 15, 2024. “Every year, a flu campaign starts in October. For two years, it has been associated with vaccination against Covid-19. People have a choice. »

The people concerned are, among others, those over 65, those with comorbidities, with a higher risk of developing a serious form of the disease, and pregnant women. They can get vaccinated from health professionals: doctor, nurse, pharmacist and midwife.


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