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In the final stretch of the campaign, flu, fatigue and seasonal viruses appear among the candidates

“Currently, we are mainly observing Covid-19 but also a group of viruses introducing rhinoviruses, which cause the common cold,” virologist Steven Van Gucht explained to DH last week. “In general medicine, there is no epidemic peak for the moment but there are many patients, particularly viral infections. This particularly affects children and their parents and we expect our most fragile patients to fall ill within 15 days, especially those who look after sick children. added Aurore Girard, general practitioner and vice-president of the Scientific Society of General Medicine.

The tens of thousands of candidates who are running on the 2,639 municipal and provincial lists for the October 13 elections are not immune to this evil. After all, these are humans who have been in contact with the rest of the population for weeks, whether by plying the streets in the markets, going door to door or attending debate evenings.

Officially, no party mentions this difficulty which arises in the final stretch for the vote. The forces are all on a war footing, knives between their teeth and rage in their bellies, ready to place their flags on the newly conquered territories, we are told. But behind the scenes, it is often a coughing, nasal and cold-like speech that we hear.

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“I slalom between the drops”tells us an active MP in Wallonia. “I had two or three covids on my list”recognizes a Brussels resident. “Several MPs from my group did not come this week because of the flu”deplores a party president in the House. “Last week, our president had to take time off for a few days.”says a spokesperson. “In La Louvière, it’s a massacre.”outbids the advisor of a head of the list.

A few days before the vote, there is no question of the candidates looking pale and being called pale. In TV, you have to present well. In communal events, you have to have fishing. But seasonal viruses and autumn fatigue are sometimes stronger than their own wills. Especially since some are already suffering from the exhaustion caused by previous elections. “I’ve been campaigning for a year. I don’t know how I’m still standing.”confesses a liberal.

So, some people load up on drugs in the hope of reaching the finish line. “I’m doing everything I can to avoid getting sick.” a candidate confesses to us. “I just came out of the pharmacy”, A head of the list answers us on the phone, who says he crosses the countryside more like a marathon runner than a sprinter.

For many, October 14 will therefore be an opportunity to finally relax with a good herbal tea.

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