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Breast cancer: in this clinic in Creuse, 25 mammograms are carried out every day

Since 2004, organized screening for breast cancer has been widespread in . At the Guéret clinic, the radiology center welcomes nearly 25 women per day to perform mammograms.

“Patients arrive at the invitation of health insurance,” explains Alice Mampassi, doctor in radiology at the Guéret clinic. These invitations to perform a mammogram are sent to women between the ages of 50 and 74. It is most often in this age group that breast cancers are diagnosed.

Under the rays of a useful manipulation

100% covered by Health Insurance, a mammogram as part of organized screening is done approximately every two years for the age group concerned. It’s a campaign that concerns all women, backgrounds or not. When there is a history, parents and grandparents, it is advisable to consult and start screening five years before the age at which cancer occurred in the parent who declared it.

Nadia, 58, had a mammogram as part of the screening organized in October 2023. It was a friend who pushed her to get screened. “She told me, “listen to how long you haven’t had an exam, this year, you’re doing the battery of screenings”. And when October arrived, she told me “go on, do the mammo”. I didn’t really want to. Then, I received the summons from social security. »

“Come on,” I said, “I’ll go.” And then, that’s it, it will be done. And fortunately. »

Nadia (empty)

She was diagnosed with breast cancer during this screening.

Nadia was not used to going for a consultation: “I am someone who receives very little follow-up, even at the gynecological level”. She now recognizes the importance of this screening and the importance of prevention. The fifty-year-old exclaims:

“I campaign, I campaign, I campaign for women to have organized screening. It’s so important. That’s what saved me.”

Nadia (empty)

Now, “patients are less and less afraid” of coming for a consultation. Manipulation is certainly important, but it is more important in the sense that it is major in breast cancer screening. “Before, patients had the idea that compression hurt,” confides Doctor Mampassi. But ultimately, “it’s a small manipulation, which is certainly not pleasant but which is not painful at all,” the radiologist reminds us.

In Creuse, this association explains breast self-examination to detect rapidly progressing breast cancers

A mixed average

In Creuse, only 42% of women affected by organized screening come for consultation. In France, they are 46%. Rates which should nevertheless be close to 100%. Especially since mammography remains the preferred means of detecting and verifying the presence of lesions in the breast. Coupled with ultrasound and biopsy, also MRI in certain cases, “mammography is the beginning of screening,” explains Alice Mampassi. But it intervenes in the healing phase, with the treatment phase, where it makes it possible to regularly check whether there is any recurrence.


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