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Cervical, ovary, stomach, mouth, larynx… These cancers that are on the decline

Several cancers are in clear decline. Some have even seen their number of cases halved.

While some cancers are progressing, others are in clear decline reveals Le Parisien this Sunday.

Starting with stomach cancers which are increasingly rare. They went from 9,000 in 1980 to around 6,560 in 2018. “Over the course of my career, I have operated on fewer and fewer!” a retired Parisian digestive surgeon interviewed during a conference confirmed to the daily newspaper.

Other cancers are less and less detected such as those of the esophagus, lip-mouth-pharynx and the cervix, reveals a 2023 report from Public Health . For the ENT routes, that is to say lip-mouth-pharynx, in humans, for example, we went from 38.5 cases per 100,000 people in 1990 to 16.3 in 2018, specifies Le Parisien.

Cervical and ovarian cancers have been reduced by half in women.

Early detection and new therapies

The generalization of the smear to collect cells and to look for traces of the human papillomavirus (HPV) as well as better prevention have made it possible to reduce the number of cervical cancers. And the screening offered to all women over the age of 25 made it possible to detect precancerous cells.

As for ovarian cancer, the increased use of estrogen-progestin pills would have made it possible to reduce the number of cases.

Not only is the number of cases decreasing, but these cancers would be less fatal thanks to earlier treatment and new therapies.

On the other hand, pancreatic, breast and colon cancers have increased sharply in recent years and increasingly affect those under 50.


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