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Pink October. After 28 chemos, Séverine talks about her “invasive and aggressive” breast cancer

(Husson, wedding dress designer) asked me to be the face of Pink October on November 4, 2023 and advised her to find a replacement. Because there might not be a 2024 for me. »

His heart sank. His hands and feet will undergo lifelong treatment. His head shook. “ The emotional mountains », she imagines. A daily battle. “ The expression live day by day, I know in my gut what it means “, she insists. Facing protocol is hard. “ There are a lot of dropouts in treatment but we never talk about it », she regrets.

“We have to listen to sick people”

Séverine talks about her. From his “ real me “. Agrees that she is “ plus the Séverine of a year ago. People tell me that cancer has changed me. I take it in my teeth. Well yes, it’s a life test. But they don’t understand and I can’t blame them. »

Séverine talks about others. Wants to make people understand and hear “ that we must listen to sick people, because there is deep distress “. She imagines a small booklet for those around her on “ how to behave, what to say, what to do ». « At the beginning, there are people around, it’s excitement but then everyone gets back to their lives while it’s the wear and tear of the most difficult course. »

“If we no longer have a smile, we no longer get up to fight. » – J.L.

Around her, a void was created. Those who were close have moved away. “ It’s now that it’s over that people are coming back », she smiled sadly. She loved the little gestures during those long moments when fear and pain gripped her guts. This baguette and this bottle of orange juice left one morning in front of his door by a friend. “ It’s a great gesture that means ‘I care about you’. » She appreciated the daily photos of flowers sent by her father and his wife. She relished their phone calls that began with always the same question: “How’s your little body?” how is your head? » « An escape. » A spillway of feelings. “ When I hung up, things always got better. We need people to receive our moments of distress. »

We are alone in the face of illness, whatever happens

Séverine Magin-Revoy

She is thinking of giving birth to “ godparents », ready to listen. “ It’s not easy to have someone sick around you, the trauma is thereshe agrees. We are alone in the face of illness, whatever happens. »

Séverine Magin-Revoy is now rebuilding a life that she knows has changed. “ I am lucky that my image does not reflect the image of a sick woman. I haven’t aged even though I was warned that 28 chemos was the equivalent of physical aging of 17 years. »

She took up motorcycling. A madness she heard around her. Whatever. His two-wheel license gives back “ meaning » on a daily basis. She thinks little about the long term. Or not. “ I have trouble saying that I had cancer, in the past tense. It’s over and at the same time, there are so many aftereffects. It will never be the same again. » She smiles.


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