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Upside down, aging and sensoriality: the interventions are online

The last day of the Rhône-Alpes Association of Psychoanalytic Gerontology (ARAGP) explored sensoriality in the clinic of the elderly. The interventions are available for free access.

On January 14, 2024, this ARAGP day made it possible to explore sensoriality in the clinic of the elderly both from the point of view of the latter, regarding their intrapsychic and intersubjective, relational life, and that of the families and professionals. Some interventions are grouped together in a pdf accessible online for free.


– Opening
Jean-Marc Talpin, psychologist, Professor Emeritus, president of ARAGP
– From the beginning to the end of life: the shape memory of Tact-Pulsion
Régine Prat, Psychoanalyst
– “Between dog and wolf, grasping the spaces between bodies”: a sensitive approach to aging in our technologicalized societies
Carole Baudin, social anthropologist and ergonomist
– For a sensitive clinic in geriatrics: support for putting the senses of patients and caregivers to work
François Maréchal, PH geriatrician
– Encountering the object in the experience of Alzheimer’s disease; Roles and limits of sensoriality
Catherine Fourques, Psychologist, Doctor of psychology

Argument of the day

From the beginning of life, sensoriality is present; it is for the subject as close as possible to the body, with the specificities of each one. It is immediately part of the relationship, because it is welcomed (or not), accompanied (or not) by the parental environment. If it is partly turned outwards by the organs of external perception, it is also turned towards the inside of the body.

Over the course of life, in the best cases, this sensoriality is developed, refined, and psyched; in others, it fails to organize itself, to form an envelope, to support the affects, the thought. It is against the backdrop of this journey that the subject approaches old age, without omitting the transformations of life, whether “natural” (menopause) or accidental, ordinary or linked to a pathology.

In aging and old age, this sensoriality, present partly in the background, can just as easily be erased by mechanisms of disinvestment, as it can become invasive or disorganized, particularly in advanced cognitive disorders.

Study day developed by C. du Chaylard, C. Halbert, J. Monteil, C. Racin, S. Robinet, JM. Talpin and M. Trouillod.

Find out more on the ARAGP website, Discover the interventions – Photo @ Samuel Halbert- ARAGP


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