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Ticks do not disappear with the arrival of autumn

It is not because autumn has slowly set in in the Vaudreuil-Soulanges region that ticks no longer represent a danger. They do not disappear with freshness. On the contrary, they remain active until the first frosts, recalls the Montérégie Public Health Department.

Remember that Lyme disease is caused by a bacteria that is transmitted through the bite of an infected tick. It is a disease that must be taken seriously since it can lead to serious consequences such as arthritis or damage to the nervous system if it is not treated in time. Fortunately, it is easy to protect yourself against tick bites, indicates the regional body.

Where are ticks found? The bite can occur anywhere in Montérégie, mainly in:

– woodlands, forests, undergrowth, shrubs and brush;

– tall grass, unmaintained land;

– gardens near woodlands, shrubs, brush or tall grass.

Simple measures to protect yourself

Adopting simple and accessible preventive measures can considerably limit the risk of being bitten or developing the disease. Please note that these measures are particularly relevant in anticipation of or following outdoor activities taking place in a wooded area or on land conducive to ticks (tall grass, shrubs, proximity to wooded areas, hedges or carpets of dead leaves on the ground). Some are also indicated when you carry out activities in contact with plants, if you live in a municipality where ticks are very abundant.

Before and during the activity:

The objective is to limit direct contact with ticks. It is therefore recommended to:

– wear clothing that covers the skin;

– apply mosquito repellent containing DEET (20 to 30%) or icaridin (10% to 20%), following the manufacturer’s instructions. Mosquito repellents containing other ingredients are not very effective in repelling ticks (more info: Qué;

– stay on established paths and avoid contact with vegetation.

After the activity or at the end of the day:

As the risk of developing Lyme disease increases when a tick remains attached for more than 24 hours, it is advisable to remove it quickly in the event of a bite.

Warning: the tick bite is not painful. Perhaps you were stung without your knowledge?

– Carefully examine his entire body.

– Examine the children’s bodies.

– Examine pets.

– Remove visible ticks as quickly as possible.

– Take a shower or a bath (or swim).

– Change clothes.

– Wash clothes or place them in the dryer or in the sun.

Even if you haven’t found a tick, you should watch for a rash or fever within 30 days or other unusual symptoms over the next year.

If you experience symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Note that certain habitats are less favorable to exposure to ticks:

– maintained grassy areas;

– ornamental vegetation;

– urbanized environments, concrete, asphalt, gravel, wood or mulch surfaces.

To find out the procedure in the event of a tick bite or the symptoms associated with Lyme disease, you can visit the Montérégie Health Portal of the Quebec ministry.

Also read:

– Public Health warns against whooping cough


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