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Sophie Auconie leaves for 272 km of Pink Walk against breast cancer

A long pink ribbon unfolded along the Cher this Sunday, September 29, 2024. With fluorescent chasubles on their backs, several dozen hikers joined Larçay, from Chambray-lès-, for the second stage of the Pink March. Led by the former member of the third constituency of Indre-et- Sophie Auconie – who herself faced breast cancer, this walk in seventeen stages carried out in partnership with the departmental hiking committee – takes place deployed throughout the department during breast cancer prevention month, Pink October.

Seventeen hikes of around fifteen kilometers, for a total of 272 km covered and 49 towns crossed. “This year, we can raise up to €20,000”hopes the former elected official, who now devotes her energy, her art of communication and her networks to the fight against cancer, prevention and promotion of screening.

“When I walk, I feel alive”

Four years ago, Véronique, 51, would not have thought of joining the hikers who swell the ranks of this Pink March. And then there was this diagnosis, which came during a routine mammogram. “I went through the whole process, chemo, surgery, radiotherapy, immunotherapy. The reconstruction was completed last February, she describes in a whisper, at the edge of a field. A test. »

Since then, the pink ribbon has become an emblem. “It triggers speech, it makes it easier to talk about it, it’s important”she considers. A form of prevention in which these walks also participate: each stage is an opportunity for meetings with elected officials and residents of the different municipalities.

The stages of the Pink March are an opportunity for meetings with elected officials and residents.
© (NR photo, Mariella Esvant)

“Cancer is not a shameful disease,” insists Sophie Auconie to her troop at the end of the snack break, in the park of the Cangé estate, in Saint-Avertin. With energy, the one who willingly testifies to advance prevention wants to talk about cancer from the side of life. “For most people, and this was the case for me, when we think of cancer, we think of suffering and death, asks the former elected official. Whereas today, we treat it better and better: almost nine breast cancers out of ten today. But I live, I want to live, and there, while walking, I feel alive! »

At the end of the 13 km walk, past the port of Graviers, in Larçay, the piggy bank “telescopic” of the Pink March was increased by more than €2,000 thanks to the sponsors and partners of the stage. “The more people we have, the more we will be able to collect, for patient support associations, for research”enjoins Sophie Auconie. From this Monday morning, she will put on her pink sneakers leaving Noizay. To unfurl another ribbon of walkers.

On Facebook: “Pink March – Sophie Auconie”

The pink steps in the department

> Monday September 30, at 9:30 a.m., at the Noizay village hall for Nazelles-Négron, arrival in Amboise.

> Friday October 4, at 9:30 a.m., at the Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines village hall, for Crotelles, arriving in Villedômer.

> Saturday October 5, at 9:30 a.m., at the Place de l’Église de Monthodon for Le Boulay, arrival at Château-Renault.

> Sunday October 6, at 9 a.m., at the association house in La Membrolle-sur-Choisille for Fondettes, arriving in Luynes.

> Tuesday October 8, at 9:30 a.m., at the Sorigny hall for Saint-Branchs, arrival in Tauxigny.

> Friday October 11, at 9:30 a.m., at the Villeperdue station car park for Thilouze, arrival at Villeperdue.

> Saturday October 12, at 10:30 a.m., at the Place de l’Église de Rochecorbon for Parçay-Meslay, arrival in Vouvray.

> Sunday October 13, at 9 a.m., at the Restigné association hall for Benais, arrival in Coteaux-sur-Loire.

> Friday October 18, at 10:30 a.m., at the Savonnières picnic area for Villandry, arrival in Langeais.

> Saturday October 19, at 9 a.m., on the Place du Marché-aux-Légumes in Loches for Chambourg-sur-Indre, arrival in Chédigny.

> Sunday October 20, at 9 a.m., at the Place du Marché in Ballan-Miré for Druye, arrival in Artannes.

> Monday October 21, at 9 a.m., at the Pernay council chambers for Semlançay, arrival in Charentilly.

> Friday October 25, at the Bernadette-Delprat room in La Ville-aux-Dames for Saint-Pierre-des-Corps, arrival at the Prefecture of Tours.

> Saturday October 26, at the Place du Marché in Esvres for Cormery, arrival in Courçay.

> Sunday October 27, at 9:30 a.m., at the Chambon village hall for Barrou, arrival at La Guerche.


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