DayFR Euro

at the heart of cardiac emergencies

The cell phone doesn’t stop vibrating in Romain Bouteau’s pocket. This 34-year-old doctor is on call that day on the first floor of the Heart Institute, in the chest pain center and cardiology intensive care unit.

This building in which the Saint-Joseph Clinic has invested 15 million euros is open all year round, 24 hours a day, on the site of the Health Village in Trélazé. It shares, with the Angers University Hospital, the care of all heart diseases, with the exception of open heart surgery.

Flow control “like in a garden hose”

The patient on the other end of the line found the number on the Internet, without going through her doctor or Center 15. She is panicking but responds to the questioning remotely.

Do you have a racing heart? Has this ever happened to you? Do you feel out of breath? Can’t walk?. The practitioner does not rule out the hypothesis of an anxiety attack but prefers to invite him to consult without delay. Come to the cardiac emergency room at the Saint-Joseph Clinic in Trélazé. I’m waiting for you .

The interlocutor has more than an hour’s drive ahead of her. In the meantime, the Dr Bouteau speaks to a visitor who is waiting for him shirtless, electrodes placed on his chest and back, in the exercise test room. The exercise bike is coupled to an ultrasound machine. The test was ordered…


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