DayFR Euro

The fight against papillomaviruses comes to college

On the occasion of the start of the school year, the vaccination campaign against papillomavirus is launched in Meurthe-et-. This particularly concerns pupils in fifth grade.

According to our colleagues at Bleue, the previous campaign did not have the expected success. Politicians are therefore banking on this new phase of vaccination to prevent the development of cancers.

Hope with this new campaign

This campaign aimed at middle school students thus aims to prevent, among other things, the development of cervical cancer in girls. It is indeed at the beginning of their sexual life that young people are particularly exposed. Also this campaign hopes to gain the approval of parents this year with access to these free vaccines injected in two doses spaced six months apart.

It is indeed prevention that currently allows us to fight against this cancer, which particularly affects young people. The first vaccination campaigns were launched by the public authorities in 2023. However, at present, less than fifty percent of 16-year-old girls are vaccinated and less than a tenth of boys in the same age group have received the necessary doses to be protected.


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