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Wi-Fi waves are not dangerous for health

The question about the danger of Wi-Fi waves, which has divided the medical world and beyond over the last 30-40 years, has just reached its epilogue. The WHO has just decided. To the great displeasure of the “conspiracy theorists”, but a relief for the “fearful”.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Wi-Fi waves are officially non-carcinogenic and pose no risk to health.” A way for the UN agency to put an end to this once and for all.

Despite numerous unanimous scientific denials over several years, many persisted in saying that “radio waves from wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi are bad for human health. In particular, there is often talk of a connection between intensive use of smartphones and brain cancers,” recalls the website

How did the WHO come to this conclusion? The UN body asked Australian researcher Ken Karipidis, who leads a team of researchers/specialists, to conduct “a massive systematic review of more than 5,000 publications on the subject, carried out between 1994 and 2022,” we are told. Ultimately, and by analyzing these studies, and more specifically about sixty that are longer and more complete than the others, their conclusion is clear, writes our source: “Exposure to radio emissions from wireless technologies is not dangerous for human health.”

It is now the most serious and comprehensive study ever conducted on the subject of waves and human health.

“More specifically, no association was found between cell phone use and brain cancer, or any other head or neck cancer. The frequency of use of one’s device also makes no difference.”

But again, “…moreover, radio waves from relay antennas or stations, or regular exposure to radio waves, do not increase the risk of brain cancer either. You can therefore continue to live peacefully among the waves, especially since it is probably the microplastics in our bodies that will kill us first.”

We are reassured!


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