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Vaccination against HPV (human papillomavirus): launch of the new free campaign for all 5th grade students

Effective and safe vaccination whose results must be improved in Paca

The first campaign in colleges had too low results despite the major commitment of all partners. In total, in our region, only 13.7% of middle school girls and boys of 5th students received a first dose of vaccine in 372 colleges. It should be noted, however, that this campaign has raised awareness on this issue and increased overall vaccination coverage in the region.[1].

In view of the major benefits expected in terms of public health, all partners (ARS, rectorates, health insurance, vaccination centers, etc.) are once again mobilized in this campaign.

1era step of this campaign: parental authorizations

The first step of this campaign concerns the necessary parental authorization. It is now dematerialized. Each parent is therefore invited to fill out the authorization form via an access link sent by the college management (paper forms will however continue to be available in colleges for families who have difficulty accessing digital resources). This crucial stage will take place from September 16 to October 11.

Initial interventions in colleges are scheduled from mid-October.

The ARS Paca has mobilized 20 vaccination centers (supported by local authorities or hospitals). They are responsible in particular for collecting parental authorizations and organizing mobile vaccination teams. The latter will travel to the college attached to them in order to carry out vaccinations for students whose parents have given their consent.

In conjunction with the dedicated vaccination centre, each establishment will therefore be responsible for organising the interventions: the first dose between October and December 2024, and the second dose between April and June 2025.

[1] : According to data from Public Health [1]before the start of the campaign, as of 09/30/2023, HPV vaccination coverage of at least 1 dose among 12-year-olds in our region was 37% among girls and 23% among boys. After the first phase of the campaign, as of 12/31/2023 (vaccinations carried out in town and in middle schools), this coverage reached 56% among girls and 39% among boys respectively, an increase of 19 points among girls and 16 points among boys (higher than the national level, where the increase observed was 17 points for girls and 15 points for boys.).

Elements on human papillomavirus infections

Next to 200 types of human papillomavirus (HPV) have been identified. Among them, 12[1] have been defined as being high risk or potentially oncogenicwhile others with a lower oncogenic risk are responsible for genital warts (also called condylomas).

In France every year, 6 400 cancers are potentially due to HPV. If women are the main victims of these cancers (2 900 cancers concern the cervix), more than a quarter of them affect men. More specifically, this concerns oropharyngeal cancers[2] (1 060 incident cases), from the anus (360 incident cases), of the oral cavity, larynx and penis (more than 300 incident cases for these 3 locations). The HPV viruses are also responsible for the very common ano-genital warts which seriously degrade the quality of life. These warts, benign but recurring, affect men as much as women (100 000 people per year) and their care is particularly painful.

HPV vaccination prevents up to 90% of HPV infections!

[1] High-risk or potentially oncogenic HPV : HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 45, 52, 58, 39, 51, 56, 59). HPV has low risk : HPV 6 and 11 for example.

[2] The causal link between HPV infections and oropharyngeal cancers has been established by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). However, in the absence of clinical data, the vaccine does not currently have any indications for the prevention of oropharyngeal lesions and cancers.

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