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Tubal ligation: price and reimbursement

As its name suggests, this surgical procedure aims to permanently close the fallopian tubes in order to voluntarily become infertile and eliminate any risk of pregnancy.

Tubal ligation: a permanent contraceptive method

Several methods exist, such as ligation, the use of an electrocoagulation technique or even the use of clips, as Ameli specifies.

In the event of unprotected sexual intercourse, this obstacle prevents the passage of spermatozoa. Note however that this permanent contraception prevents pregnancy but does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

This operation is performed on an outpatient basis and under general anesthesia with a hospital stay of one to three days. One or two incisions are enough for the obstetrician surgeon to reach the fallopian tubes and block them. The advantage? Few post-operative effects and no changes in hormones or in the rhythm of menstrual cycles, nor loss of libido.

Are there any risks to tubal ligation? They are very rare. Although there is no such thing as zero risk, the complication rate is quite low. These mainly concern bleeding, abdominal pain, hot flashes or even effects related to general anesthesia as would be the case for other types of operation.

The announced effectiveness of 99.5% makes it a popular method for women who do not wish to conceive or no longer wish to conceive, favoring an irremediable alternative to replace the contraceptive pill, the IUD and the implant, to name but three.

What are the conditions for being eligible?

Beyond the conditions of consent and freedom of choice, tubal ligation can be chosen by any adult woman. Contrary to popular belief: it is not mandatory to be of a certain age or to have already had children to consider this definitive infertility.

Keep in mind that this contraceptive method is irreversible, which means that there is no going back. This is why doctors recommend a reflection period of at least four months.

Before considering this surgical intervention, it is essential to find out at length about the consequences of this infertility, to ask yourself what your personal motivations are, to question a potential desire to have children later as well as the rare risks involved.

Support for the intervention

In , this contraceptive intervention is reimbursed up to 65% by Health Insurance, on the agreed fees. However, some mutual health insurance companies take into account the remaining part depending on the contract and the terms. This is particularly the case for a company such as Aésio mutuelle.

It is also important to know that the cost of such an operation varies depending on whether you choose a public hospital or a private clinic. Expect to pay between €1,000 and €5,000.

Article written in partnership with Aésio mutuelle


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