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Salon-de-Provence: training in first aid in mental health

The figures transmitted by Christelle Panet, mental health first aid trainer has Salon-de-Provencemake you dizzy: “10,000 people commit suicide every year in . 5% of the population has already attempted suicide and 67% of people with psychological problems do not see a specialist.”.

She herself found herself in a delicate situation, at the time when she was sophrologistShe says: “A man I had an appointment with came into my office and told me he wanted to commit suicide. I wasn’t prepared for that. We talked for over an hour and a half before I was sure his suicidal thoughts had passed.”.

After this difficult episode, the woman from Salon said to herself that she had to find a solution: “so that such a situation does not happen again. So I decided to train in mental health first aid”.
Since then, it is she who has trained the population through two-day training coursesThe next one will take place on September 17 and 18. at Cocoon in Salon, then on October 15 and 16.

Training validated by the government

This training, which is the counterpart of the PSC1 training for physical healthhas three objectives: knowing and demystifying mental health disorders, adjusting one’s posture in crisis situations and knowing how to act to provide assistance.

I have already trained firefighters, nurses, HR managers, CCI membersin short, all those who are in contact with people”says Christelle Panet, who created Trans’Formations.
She adds: “We often hear things like he’s crazy, he’s mad, he’s got a fart in his head… I mean, you have to differentiate the person from their disorder. People can be affected by depressionanxiety, psychotic disorders, substance use disorders… these are people who need to be helped.”.

It is therefore not surprising that this training is validated by the government thanks to the association Premiers Secours en Santé Mentale – France, of which Salonaise is accredited.


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