. Dr. Carmen Garrido wins a Pink Ribbon grant to fund her cancer research

. Dr. Carmen Garrido wins a Pink Ribbon grant to fund her cancer research
Dijon. Dr. Carmen Garrido wins a Pink Ribbon grant to fund her cancer research

Pink Ribbon works to boost research against breast cancer

Thursday January 16, the Pink Ribbon association organized the 21st edition of the Pink Ribbon Prizes and Scholarships for breast cancer research. Created in 2003, these prizes contribute to the fight against breast cancer which affects 1 in 8 women. They finance innovative projects in fundamental, translational and clinical research. These awards also recognize major advances in areas such as screening, reconstructive surgery, psychological support and improving patients’ quality of life. The scientific committee, made up of four volunteer experts in oncology, rigorously oversees the selection and financing of these projects, in collaboration with the scientific jury and the board of directors. Since its creation, 110 promising research projects have been supported, with 10.4 million euros distributed. For 2024 alone, the allocation amounted to €2,400,000.

For more information and to support the Ruban rose association, go to cancerdusein.org




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