To optimize our life expectancy we must take care of our health on a daily basis. This is impacted by many elements such as our genetic predispositions, addictive behaviors, our physical activity or our diet. As part of the global strategy which tends to develop preventive medicine, many sectors of our life are today integrated into health data.
During this morning we will put at the center of our discussions 3 elements which directly impact it: Sleep. The quality of it influences our recovery and our form. Numerous studies have led to taking charge of the quality of this part of our lives and to developing increasingly relevant treatments. Work then. Occupational health has become a major issue over the past 15 years.
The social responsibility of companies has pushed them to look into the subject of relationships and working conditions, well-being and mental health of employees. Finally, our environment and its quality or not, directly impacts our health. The air we breathe, the water we drink, amplify or cause the appearance of many chronic diseases, particularly respiratory or allergic.
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