Pujols. Let’s give health a smile with Siel Bleu and Parkinson

Pujols. Let’s give health a smile with Siel Bleu and Parkinson
Pujols. Let’s give health a smile with Siel Bleu and France Parkinson

Siel Bleu and Parkinson, are non-profit associations whose one of their missions is to support and assist patients and their loved ones by enabling people with Parkinson’s disease and the caregivers who accompany them , to participate in activities according to their desires and needs. The main means for this support of the people mentioned are activities which aim to improve health and well-being throughout life, the creation of social links through physical activity, learning better nutrition and awareness of eco-responsible behavior, that is to say also prevention of people’s well-being, preservation of risks and improvement of quality of life.

The municipality of Pujols, with the Siel Bleu association and the France Parkinson association of the eponymous departmental committee chaired by Richard Luna, have set up adapted physical activity sessions for three years. These are qualified professionals who lead these free sessions with the kindness, professionalism and commitment that are at the heart of the action of each Sielbleusian.

These sessions take place in the Salle des Amandiers, Plateau Lacassage, in Pujols, every Monday from 10:30 a.m. to noon where a facilitator from the Siel Bleu association addresses patients through exercises allowing them to live better… and Given its success, participants are steadily increasing. Interested people who would like additional information can call the Pujols CCAS, whose manager is Daniel Barrau, who will also be able to provide any information on 06 47 66 23 70.




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