Abundant or altered Döderlein flora: we explain your analysis results

Döderlein’s flora refers to all the “good” micro-organisms present in the vagina and ensuring its good health. How to maintain it? What to do in case of imbalance? Explanations from Dr. Odile Bagot, gynecologist.

Muriel Kaiser

Written on 10/01/2025

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For several years, you have heard more and more about the intestinal microbiota. But did you know that there is also a vaginal microbiota? Doctor Odile Bagot, gynecologist, explains: “in the vagina, there are a certain number of germs. More than 90% of them are lactobacilli which secrete lactic acid, allowing the vagina to maintain a slightly acidic pH, between 4 and 4.5 “.

In the remaining 10%, we find various microorganisms such as Candida albicans, Gardnerella vaginalisor even streptococci…

This composition corresponds to a balanced vaginal flora, called Döderlein flora. It plays a protective role for the vagina, preventing pathogenic germs from multiplying.

What are the factors that disrupt the vaginal flora?

But in certain circumstances, the pH is modified, favoring the development of pathogenic germs. Thus, taking antibiotics, douching, hormonal changes linked to menopause or even having sexual relations with new partners can be the cause of an imbalance or an infection, depending on the gynecologist.

A yeast in particular can pose a problem if it occupies too large a part of the vaginal microbiota. It is about Candida albicans. Yeast is a fungus, SO infection caused by Candida is a mycosis. If it’s bacteria like Gardnerella vaginalis which are found in too many numbers, we speak of bacterial vaginosis.

Also read: Vaginosis, breast pain, pain during intercourse… a gynecologist answers your questions

What to do in the event of an imbalance in the Döderlein flora?

If you notice discharge, white like curdled milk, colored or even smelly, or if your vagina feels scratchy or itchy, it is useful to take a sample. The latter allows us to know which bacteria or fungus is responsible for the imbalance causing these symptoms. The sample must be taken yourself in a laboratory. Simply insert the swab a few centimeters inside the vagina, rotate it for around ten seconds to sample the cells present, then put it back in its case.

On your analysis result, you will see marked “abundant”, “sparse”, or even “altered” concerning your Döderlein flora. The more abundant this flora is, the better your vagina is! A scanty or altered Döderlein flora is generally accompanied by a bacterial or fungal infection.

When should you take vaginal probiotics?

The sample makes it possible to detect this possible infection. In case of mycosis, you will need to take anti-fungal ovules to insert into the vagina as well as a cream to apply at the entrance to the vagina and at the level of the vulva. “If you have vaginosis, treatment will be in the form of antibiotics”adds Doctor Odile Bagot. Antibiotics will also help you in the event of a steptococcal infection.

Finally, do not hesitate to obtain probiotics in pharmacies, to help Döderlein’s flora to reconstitute itself after an infection or an imbalance. For prevention, to avoid infection, the gynecologist recommends adopting a healthy, varied and balanced diet, and getting good sleep. Also avoid douching, which changes the pH of the vagina and therefore encourages the development of bacteria or fungi.



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