Analysis based on general population data from adults aged 18 and over confirms not only that alcohol consumption and alcohol dependence have increased during the COVID pandemic but that these concerning consumption levels have been maintained since. .
The study reconciled 2020 and 2022 National Health Survey (NHIS) alcohol consumption data with demographic, socioeconomic, and health data from more than 24,000 participants. Participants were divided according to their (excessive) alcohol consumption during the year preceding the survey. The analysis confirms that:
- the consumption of alcohol or alcoholic beverages has increased significantly in 2020 and 2022;
- compared to 2018, the absolute increase in alcohol consumption in 2020 is estimated at
almost 3% (2.69%) and in 2022, the same (2.96%);
- the increase in its prevalence (% of heavy drinkers) is observed in 2020 and 2022 vs. 2018 in all population subgroups (sex, age groups, etc.);
- Factors in excessive drinking include pandemic-related stress and disrupted access to health care services;
Taken together, these findings highlight that combating alcohol dependence remains a public health priority. This burden requires urgent clinical, community and policy interventionsconclude the researchers.