The way you eat obviously impacts your health, but also your appearance! The effects are felt on skin, nails or even the hair. However, a new study reveals the impact of intermittent fasting on hair growth.
This mode of consumption, which alternates short periods of eating and fastingis becoming more and more popular. It is associated with health benefits, such as reduced risk of diabetescardiovascular diseases and even Alzheimer's disease. However, certain unexpected impacts are sometimes brought to light.
An 18% slowdown in growth
Clinical trials carried out on mice have demonstrated that this type of diet impacts the regrowth of their hair significantly. But more recently, a new study gave the same result, to a lesser extent, on humans. This research, published on December 13, 2024 in the scientific journal Cellwas conducted by scientists and academics from Zhejiang, China.
To do this, 49 healthy young adults followed intermittent fasting for 18 hours per day. At the end of the study, the results show that the speed of hair growth in this group was reduced by 18% compared to controls who followed a normal diet.
The study authors explain that intermittent fasting disrupts the hair cycleparticularly the resting phase, which slows down regrowth. These changes would be independent of weight loss or changes in circadian rhythm.
What diet for hair growth?
Monique Richard, dietitian, delivers her recommendations in the magazine Medical News Today regarding foods that promote healthy hair growth. She advises adopting a diet rich in essential nutrientsnamely proteins, vitamins, minerals (iron, zinc, and selenium) and fatty acids. According to her, the foods to favor are, for example, green vegetables, fatty fish, eggs and oilseeds. She also suggests adapting the diet according to individual needs.
In addition to diet, hair growth is promoted by scalp stimulationwhich can be done for example with massages, products adapted to each person, and even acupuncture. To prevent hair damage, especially avoid heat them and discolor them.