Good reflexes against the tiger mosquito

Good reflexes against the tiger mosquito
Good reflexes against the tiger mosquito

Key gestures

Faced with this threat, health authorities are favouring a preventive approach. The priority: preventing the tiger mosquito from establishing itself and proliferating. First, make sure to destroy or dry up any stagnant water reserves inside or outside the home: gutters, flowerpot bowls, which are particularly popular with females to lay their eggs.

To protect yourself, several measures can be effective:

Wear long, loose, light-colored clothing; Apply skin repellents regularly; Install mosquito nets on windows and around beds.

Additional methods can be used to supplement these actions, such as using a fan to keep mosquitoes away from the perimeter of its field of action, a smoke coil (outdoors only) or an electric insecticide diffuser.

On the other hand, some very fashionable techniques – such as anti-insect bracelets or essential oils – are far from having proven their worth in repelling mosquitoes.

What to do if you get bitten?

The bite of the tiger mosquito is generally more painful and persistent than that of other mosquitoes. Cleaning with soap and water, followed by the application of a soothing cream, is sufficient in most cases. However, a medical consultation is necessary in the event of an allergic reaction or symptoms suggestive of diseases transmitted by the mosquito (headache accompanied by fever, joint pain or aches, rash, etc.).

In conclusion, in the face of the spread of the tiger mosquito in France, vigilance and prevention are required. Health authorities are calling for individual responsibility to limit the risks and preserve public health.

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