At the Brix market, a nurse will provide medical prevention during the summer

At the Brix market, a nurse will provide medical prevention during the summer
At the Brix market, a nurse will provide medical prevention during the summer

If you don’t come to health, health will come to you! A well-known quote that the nurse Asalée (Liberal Health Action in Team) Paolo Cardoso Martins makes his own. An action directly linked to prevention and monitoring, the bases of the role of this professional with the doctors of the health centers of Brix and Valognes (Manche). Several actions have already been organized with the public, such as Pink October, No Tobacco Month, awareness of the need for vaccination, colorectal cancer screening, breast self-examination, etc.

Read also: In Valognes, the health center inaugurated after twelve years of efforts

Converting the undecided to medical prevention approaches

These steps are carried out in offices, pharmacies but also in less formal places. On Wednesdays 3, 10 and 17 July 2024, Paolo Cardoso Martins is moving towards a meeting in a summer environment. He will set up on the Brix market. Dialogue in a relaxed setting is a less austere approach than an office where the person has to move. Thanks to this approach, we will be able to exchange to overcome certain reluctance, the sources of which are sometimes false information and prejudices.

The health nurse explains the importance of these parallel prevention techniques: One in 30 people is affected by colorectal cancer during their lifetime, it is the second most deadly cancer. Prevention exists, it must be a reflex, that of bringing information to the public who are sometimes outside the health radar. The possible steps to be taken and the follow-up are the work of the Asalée nurse. He has three mornings to convert the undecided. These Wednesdays will be dedicated to vaccination and colorectal screening. Encourage prevention of any kind, engage in dialogue to demystify preconceived ideas.



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