Social isolation, depression, pain… Faced with these problems, the Association of Paralyzed People of France (APF), today a partner of the Caudrésis-Catésis agglomeration community (CA2C), and the town of Cateau are banking on reality virtual to respond to these challenges. Friday, November 8, the sick and seniors of Cateau-Cambrésis hospital center participated in a workshop dedicated to the discovery of virtual reality. Two digital advisors, Quentin Rezgui and Marion Desprez, were on hand to lead the workshop.
“Virtual reality is one of those technologies whose use can be beneficial to this part of the population. For several months, the Association of Paralyzed People of France has been betting on it to help its members and is now deploying it in retirement homes, nursing homes and hospitals. confides Cimao Mota, the APF referent for this action.
Helmets and other innovative instruments were made available to participants during the day. « This experience encourages participants to dialogue around varied content such as nature, culture or travel. It also offers the possibility of experiencing new sensations, such as virtually practicing a sport or visiting emblematic places. », specify the organizers.
A tool to combat social isolation
Immersion in familiar settings, which participants have known or which they will discover, often awakens positive memories. “ This encourages people to share their experiences and the memories that resurface as soon as they remove the headset », explain the speakers. Studies have shown that virtual reality can help alleviate disorders like anxiety and depression while promoting social bonds among the elderly.
Virtual reality is now seen as a tool with strong social and therapeutic potential. « This first experience was experienced as an exceptional moment by around fifty sick and elderly people. We are considering organizing other events of this type in the coming months. », specify the organizers.