Swore. These dermatologists warn of the dangers of excessive exposure to the sun

Swore. These dermatologists warn of the dangers of excessive exposure to the sun
Swore. These dermatologists warn of the dangers of excessive exposure to the sun

Juin Jaune is a recent initiative, launched in 2023 by dermatologists from Franche-Comté aimed at preventing skin cancers linked to intense and continuous exposure to the sun. This Friday, June 15, two of them held a conference at Dole town hall.

The objective is to present good behaviors to have and encourage self-examination, while in 15 years the number of dermatology practitioners has fallen by more than 20% in the country, and 30% among They are over 60 years old. “We do not have the means to screen everyone, there are not enough of us,” warns Doctor Adrien Mareschal, who works at the Parc polyclinic.

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Detect early

With his colleague, Doctor Blandine Kubler, he pointed out the main danger of prolonged exposure to the sun: melanoma. Although it only represents 10% of skin cancers, melanoma is the most aggressive form. In 2018, there were 15,500 new cases and 1,980 deaths. A fairly low ratio because when it is detected early, melanoma can most of the time be cured.

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Do not expose children before 2 years

To protect yourself, dermatologists remind you of the rules to follow: do not expose yourself to the sun between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m., wear a t-shirt, a hat and sunglasses. Concerning the sun creams and the sun protection factor to choose, it is index 50 without hesitation, and for everyone. Even more important protection for children, who should under no circumstances be exposed to the sun, especially before the age of two. “We see that many cases of melanoma are linked to prolonged exposure to the sun in childhood,” explains Adrien Mareschal.



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