A sexually transmitted disease screening stand on the market

A sexually transmitted disease screening stand on the market
A sexually transmitted disease screening stand on the market

A prevention action organized by the Department and several other partners.

Chloé Danillon, deputy vice-president for children and social action at the Department, was present a few days ago at the weekly market where there was a screening stand for sexually transmitted diseases. “It’s an action that falls within the week of prevention, screening and sexual health. The department has mobilized with other partners and that’s what’s interesting, is that we are never alone , we are together and there we come to the market to raise awareness among all the people who pass by, it will be screening, prevention,” explains the elected official. She continues with the challenges of this action: “It is a question of working on young people but also of generally affecting everyone but the question of addictions, relationships with sexuality, but also on consent, the relationship with the body. Health but also the well-being of teenagers, raising awareness It is important to carry out these actions in front of high schools, in the form of buses, where what is highlighted, for example, is “the condom. is protection against pregnancy but remind them of the notion that it is also protection against diseases. It’s nice because we’re at the beginning but there are still all the partners present.”

The partners ? The youth listening reception point (PAEJ) by the Local Mission Ouest Audois (MLOA) Tel. : 0 766 826 633, PAEJ coordination: 0 652 580 525 or by email at [email protected]; the sexual health center (CSS) information: 0 468 945 731 or 0 468 235 582; the home for adolescents and young adults aged 11 to 21 (Information on 0 468 780 123; the addiction care and prevention center (CSAPA Intermède) (Tel: 0 468 947 415 or by email intermede.castel @ groupe-sos.org).



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