this department surprises with higher mortality than elsewhere in France

this department surprises with higher mortality than elsewhere in France
this department surprises with higher mortality than elsewhere in France

Monday June 10 began the week of prevention and awareness of targeted skin cancer screening. The opportunity to take stock of the dangers of exposure to the sun and to dispel certain preconceived ideas, particularly with regard to certain geographical areas.

The countries and regions most at risk

In the world, it is not in Africa that we find the most cases of melanoma, but in Australia and New Zealand. “The countries with the highest number of new cases by far are New Zealand (35.1 new cases per 100,000 people in men and 32.8 in women in 2000-2002), Australia and the United States -United”, reports in France 3 regions Pays de la Loire. As for mainland France, it is surprising to note that it is not the south which is most exposed to excess mortality linked to skin cancer, but the north-east, and more precisely the Loire-Atlantique department. . “Loire-Atlantique has a significant excess mortality (+22%) compared to mainland France”, indicated in July 2023 the League against Cancer regarding melanoma. Possible reasons? “The inhabitants of our region are more exposed to the sun between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. than those who live in the South. The cloud cover and the breeze that our department benefits from (Loire-Atlantique) can give the impression that the sun is not dangerous and that it is (…)

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