Since September, the Saint-Etienne University Hospital has offered, every month, health meetings where prevention, innovations and treatments can be discussed. On Friday, November 8, we will talk about this gland belonging to the male genital system, the prostate.
The meeting will take the form of a conference which will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. (registration required) in the Bessat room in the AB hall of the North hospital. During this hour, we will discuss the main treatments for prostate cancer and the perspectives with Pierre Cornillon, oncologist. Laurine Maugier, advanced practice nurse, will intervene on the course and specific follow-up.
Raising awareness about anatomy
We will also discuss innovations in radiotherapy with the Dr Thomas Reynaud and Nicolas Vial, radiotherapists. Lionel Badet, urologist, will speak on the new developments linked to this specialty. And David Hupin, sports doctor, will extol the benefits of adapted physical activity in patient care. A “prostate tour” will follow with awareness of the anatomy, functioning, and diseases of the prostate. Users and patients will be able to discuss with CHU professionals to find out everything about this gland.
In the afternoon, change of hall and theme with a two-hour workshop dedicated to tobacco-free month led by the CHU tobacco liaison unit, the CPAM, the League against cancer and the Loiréadd network.
Contact and registration: Users’ center, on 04 77 82 92 02.