The ARS launches a campaign to vaccinate all students in fifth grade

The ARS launches a campaign to vaccinate all students in fifth grade
The ARS launches a campaign to vaccinate all students in fifth grade

The Regional Health Agency in and its partners are launching an information and communication action in anticipation of a vaccination campaign which will begin on November 18. All students on the island in 5th grade are affected by this vaccination aimed at preventing cancers linked to human papillomavirus (HPV) infections. (Photo:

According to the ARS, being vaccinated during adolescence can “prevent up to 90% of human papillomavirus (HPV) infections that cause cancer. Vaccinating your adolescent today protects them against cancer that he could have as an adult.”, concludes the institution. 80% of women and men are exposed to HPV during their lifetime.

14,500 students are thus affected by the second edition of this free campaign. Three vaccination phases are planned for the first dose, from November 18 to December 5, 2024, from February 10 to February 28, 2025 and from April 7 to April 25, 2025. The second dose will be administered from May.

Students will need to have parental authorization and their health record to be vaccinated. The ARS specifies that it is also possible to “have your child vaccinated in town with your doctor, pharmacist, midwife or nurse.”

Health, vaccination, HPV




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