“Green June”, the cervical cancer screening campaign, is being planned

“Green June”, the cervical cancer screening campaign, is being planned
“Green June”, the cervical cancer screening campaign, is being planned

If detected early, nine out of ten cervical cancers could be prevented. As part of the “Green June” operation, a national campaign, the cancer screening coordination center supports the cancer screening operations which will take place…

If detected early, nine out of ten cervical cancers could be prevented. As part of the “Green June” operation, a national campaign, the cancer screening coordination center supports the cancer screening operations which will take place in the hospital centers of Saint-Jean-d’Angély, Saintes and Royan (read box). This action was presented on Tuesday May 28 at the Saint-Jean-d’Angély hospital center. Florence, a patient, gave a moving testimony. After seven years without gynecological follow-up, she consulted and the doctor discovered a papillomavirus which could be treated in time. “I encourage women aged 25 to 65 to get screened. The consultation only takes thirty minutes. Screening is a gift that we give to ourselves.”

Gynecologist at the Saintonge hospital center, Dr Lucile Bretheau wanted to counter preconceived ideas. “The gynecological smear examination is certainly a little unpleasant but not painful.” She also recalled that “cervical cancer screening makes it possible to detect and treat lesions which are not yet cancerous and thus to avoid cancer. To screen is to avoid.”

This screening campaign is carried out with numerous partners (regional health agency, the Primary Health Insurance Fund, the MSA, the Cancer League, midwives, private doctors, etc.)

Screening dates

In Saint-Jean-d’Angély, Tuesday June 4 morning, Thursday June 13 afternoon, Tuesday June 18 afternoon and Monday June 24 afternoon (make an appointment at 05 46 59 50 18). In Saintes, Thursday June 6 morning, Tuesday June 11 morning, Friday June 14 afternoon, Thursday June 20 all day, Tuesday June 25 afternoon and Thursday June 27 morning (make an appointment at 05 46 48 75 41). In Royan, Tuesday June 4 morning, Friday June 14 morning, Thursday June 20 afternoon and Wednesday June 26 (make an appointment at 05 46 38 00 00).



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