“Eight out of ten breast cancers are cured”

PINK OCTOBER. Halfway through Pink October, the month of breast cancer screening awareness, the League Against Cancer held a stand at the hospital center on Wednesday October 16.

“This is the first time we have returned to the hospital center since Covid. It was really important to us! » Françoise Mazeron did not hide her satisfaction, Wednesday October 16, in the hospital hall. With two other volunteers, all dressed in pink, the vice-president of the North 52 committee of the League Against Cancer, raised public awareness of breast cancer screening. After a quiz to measure everyone’s level of information, the volunteers continued to hammer home the main message of Pink October: “Eight out of ten breast cancers are cured if they are detected early enough. This is why it is absolutely necessary to respond favorably to the invitations sent by the Primary Health Insurance Fund to women aged 50 to 74,” they point out. “This does not prevent you from being screened earlier, or after age 74, especially if there is a family history. Without forgetting self-examination, because it is often the women themselves who discover that something is wrong…” On their stand, many goodies – pink of course – were also available to raise funds. Funds which are then donated to help patients and research.

P.-J. P.

[email protected]

  • The funds raised by the sale of goodies are used to finance research and help for patients.
  • The League stand was busy all day.
  • The Pink October T-shirt, essential to support the cause…


PREV a diagnostic innovation with early access thanks to the innovation package
NEXT Encourage screening to reduce the spread of breast cancer