MEASLES AND POLIOMYELITIS – The vaccination campaign continues

The mission of vaccinators is not over. This Sunday, health workers, accompanied by community workers, will still be on the ground. “The vaccination campaign continues until Sunday, to achieve the objectives, and to vaccinate children who have not yet received their dose of vaccine against measles and polio this week. We can go to churches,” said Annie Rindramalala Ravalisoa, communications manager at the Ministry of Public Health, in the Atsimondrano district, yesterday. In the commune of Tsiafahy, district of Atsimondrano, vaccination coverage was reportedly quite satisfactory. “Parents did not show any reluctance, in general. We went to each household to convince them of the importance of these vaccines,” said Holisoa Aina Ramanisa, community agent.

Today, vaccinators will work to convince parents of children who do not show enthusiasm to vaccinate their children. They reassure about the effectiveness of these vaccines. The Ministry of Public Health and its partners, namely the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), continue to encourage parents to vaccinate their children to prevent disabling and fatal diseases.

Miangalya Ralitera



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