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Avian influenza: Prevention and immunization

Avian influenza: Prevention and immunization
Avian influenza: Prevention and immunization

No vaccine is currently available for the prevention of avian influenza in travelers.

In an area where the circulation of the avian influenza virus is recognizedthe traveler should:

  • Avoid direct contact with animals (mammals and birds) alive or dead;
    • If contact cannot be avoided, wear gloves, then wash hands after removing gloves, immediately after contact.
  • Avoid going to risky places such as:
    • Live animal markets;
    • Livestock farms (poultry, cattle, pigs, others);
    • Slaughter locations.
  • If a visit cannot be avoided, it is recommended to wear a mask and avoid touching animals.
  • Avoid contact with surfaces contaminated by animal secretions or excrement, even outdoors;
  • Avoid consuming products that could be contaminated:
    • Poultry, game meat and eggs should be thoroughly cooked before consumption;
    • Dairy products should be pasteurized.
  • Practice basic hygiene measures:
    • Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water (or with alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol, if soap and water are not available);
    • Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose.
  • Avoid being in contact with sick people.

In the event of flu-like symptoms during travel and up to two weeks after returning to Canada, the traveler should:

  • Respect respiratory etiquette (cough into the crook of the elbow, wear a mask, etc.);
  • Avoid contact with other people;
  • Consult a health professional, notifying in advance that you are arriving from a country where the avian influenza virus is circulating.

National recommendations related to avian influenza




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