call for volunteer health professionals

call for volunteer health professionals
call for volunteer health professionals

Mayotte – As the cholera epidemic spreads to Mayotte and some reservists prepare to return to mainland France, Public Health France launches a new appeal to volunteer health professionals.

As of May 15, 2024, 85 cases of cholera were reported in Mayotte (83 confirmed and 2 probable), or around twenty additional infections in one week.

Among them, 68 are indigenous cases and 17 cases imported from the Comoros or countries on the African continent. Seven cases requiring intensive care and a first death in a 3-year-old child have been recorded since the start of the epidemic.

The vast majority of cases (61) were detected in the commune of Koungou, in the north-east of the island, in a precarious neighborhood with difficulties in accessing drinking water and sanitation defects but a new outbreak was reported on May 14 in the commune of M’Tsangamouji, in the northwest of the island.

The risk of community transmission and the risk of importation of new cases expose Mayotte to a risk of transmission throughout “the entire territory”, “particularly in other precarious neighborhoods”, underlines SPF which relies on emergency doctors, general practitioners, state-certified nurses, epidemiologists, logisticians and even reserve pharmacists to help the population.

The current mobilization in Mayotte is 86 reservists including 54 specifically tasked with cholera. They strengthen the teams of the ARS, Public Health France Mayotte, the Mayotte Hospital Center, the Reference Medical Centers or intervene in the field for investigation or vaccination missions. “As some of these missions are coming to an end soon (a mission generally lasts one month), a new recruitment campaign for reservists is underway,” explains SPF.

How do I volunteer to become a reservist?

Health professionals interested in volunteering as part of the Health Reserve can consult the following information:

To find out more about the Reserve: Information for the candidate

To get involved: Pre-registration form

To inform your employer: Employer Guide

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